El término describe la tendencia creciente de que los pacientes viajen a un país distinto para recibir atención Dental.
Mientras el Paciente/Turista puede viajar por múltiples razones, sus elecciones suelen ser determinantes por cuestiones de presupuesto.
CIRA Implantes Dentales y el equipo del Dr. Lozada, diseñarán un paquete personalizado para cada paciente y su acompañante, tomando en consideración su presupuesto, edad, tipo de tratamiento, tiempo de recuperación, preferencias y necesidades.
Aunque el tratamiento dental es la razón principal del viaje, el paciente nacional e internacional necesita recibir apoyo en la programación de su itinerario.
En CIRA estamos encantados de ayudar a nuestros pacientes con la selección adecuada de su hotel, la logística en sus vuelos nacionales e internacionales, transportes locales, tours y excursiones en el área y, si así lo requiere, servicios especiales como el apoyo de un interprete.
Es importante reconocer que la Odontología en México y en otros países es realizada con el mas alto nivel de calidad.
The term describes the growing trend of patients for traveling to a different country to receive dental care.
While the dental patient/tourist may travel for a variety of reasons, their choices are usually driven by price considerations.
CIRA Implantes Dentales and Dr. Lozada´s staff, design a “custom fit package” for each patient and his companion, taking in consideration their budget, age, type of treatment, recovery time, special preferences and needs.
Although your dental treatment is the main reason for travel, nacional and international patients need assistance preparing their itinerary.
At CIRA we are happy to help our patients with the proper selection of their hotel, logistics in their national and international flights, local transportation, tours and excursions in the area, and if necessary, special services such as an interpreter.
It is important to recognize that dentistry in Mexico and other countries is performed at the highest level of quality.
Con edificaciones de estilo colonial de enorme belleza y gran valor cultural, fue reconocido por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad en 1987. Resguardando 2619 edificios, se convierte en uno de los Centros Históricos más grandes y con mayor riqueza artística y cultural del mundo.
With colonial style buildings of great beauty and great cultural value, it was recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987. Sheltering 2619 buildings becomes one of the largest historical centers and more artistic and cultural wealth of the world.
Recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, with colonial style buildings of great beauty and great cultural value. Puebla’s Historical Center has become one of the largest, more artistic cultural wealth of the world, sheltering 2619 historical buildings.
Declarada en 2010 como Patrimonio Cultural Intangible, es resultado de la fusión de las cocinas mexica y europea, naciendo en los fogones de los conventos y en las cocinas de las casas de mestizos y criollos dónde se mezclaron productos e ingredientes de ambos continentes.
Declared in 2010 as Intangible Cultural Heritage , it is the result of the fusion of Mexican and European cuisines, born in the kitchens of the convents and in the kitchens of the houses where mestizo and Creole products and ingredients from both continents were mixed.
The result of the fusion of Mexican and European cuisines, born in the kitchens of the convents and in the kitchens of the houses where mestizo and Creole products and ingredients from both continents were mixed, Puebla’s Gastronomy was declared in 2010 as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Por la diversidad territorial del estado, Puebla cuenta con una variada oferta artesanal, desde el papel amate de Pahuatlán, las esferas navideñas de Chignahuapan, los tapetes de lana de Hueyapan hasta las piezas de plata de Amozoc e incluso el ónix de Tecali, sin olvidar la famosa Talavera Poblana.
For the territorial diversity of the state, Puebla has a varied craft supply from the paper amate Pahuatlán, Christmas spheres Chignahuapan, wool rugs Hueyapan up the silver pieces and even Amozoc Tecali onyx , not forgetting the famous Talavera Poblana.
From the paper amate Pahuatlán, Christmas spheres Chignahuapan, wool rugs Hueyapan up the silver pieces and even Amozoc Tecali onyx , not forgetting the famous Talavera Poblana, Puebla’s Artesanias have a varied craft supply for the territorial diversity of the state.
Presume de ser la catedral con las torres más altas del continente y es considerada una de las catedrales más bellas del mundo por su arquitectura y fachada renacentista. Su interior guarda un importante acervo artístico novohispano con pinturas, esculturas, orfebrería y ebanistería.
Claims to be the cathedral with the tallest towers in the continent and is considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world for its architecture and Renaissance facade. The interior keeps novohispano an important art collection with paintings, sculptures, metalwork and joinery.
Considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world for its architecture and Renaissance facade, Puebla’s Cathedral claims to be the cathedral with the tallest towers in the continent. The interior keeps novohispano an important art collection with paintings, sculptures, metalwork and joinery.
Con la presencia del Santuario de la Virgen de Los Remedios en su cúspide, cuenta con el Gran Basamento Piramidal más grande del mundo y para su recorrido ofrece al visitante 280 metros de túneles habilitados, de los 5 mil metros que la componen.
With the presence of the Shrine of Our Lady of Los Remedios at its peak , has the Great Pyramid Basamento world’s largest and its route offers visitors 280 meters of tunnels enabled, the 5000 meters that compose it.
With the presence of the Shrine of Our Lady of Los Remedios at its peak, Cholula’s Pyramid has the world’s largest basement. The 5000 meters that compose it offers visitors 280 meters of enabled tunnels.
Puebla tiene el honor de ser el segundo estado con el mayor número de Pueblos Mágicos en el país con 7 nombramientos, la mayoría de ellos localizados en la enigmática Sierra Norte del Estado como Cuetzálan, Zacatlán, Pahuatlán, Chignahuápan, Tlatlauquitepec y Xicotepec. A pocos kilómetros de la ciudad, se ubica San Andrés y San Pedro Cholula que comparten galardón.
Puebla has the honor of being the second state with the highest number of magical village in the country with 7 nominations. Defined as a place with symbolism, legends and history. Most of them located in the state’s enigmatic Sierra Norte including the cities of Cuetzalan, Zacatlán, Pahuatlán, Chignahuapan, Tlatlauquitepec and Xicotepec. A few kilometers from Puebla, the cities of San Andres and San Pedro Cholula who share award ranks.
- Fresnos 3535, Fraccionamiento Las Ánimas, Puebla México. CP 72400
Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 AM A 15:00 PM Y DE 17:00 PM A 19:00 PM